Is the Revolution in sight?

Is the Revolution in sight?
looks like the barge may be lifting off a sand bar...

March 19, 2009

Bernard Keenan's article "Communism: a viable alternative?"

One knows the ruling-class is reeling in crisis when the UK's liberal
social democrat-ish Press icon The Manchester Guardian not only doesn't laugh Bernard Keenan's article,"Communism: a viable alternative?" off as loony left garbage --but publishes it straight up.See:

Real change is being raised on the ideological level in the bourgeois Press, there is another General Strike in France, workers and students occupy ruling class owned establishments, while Big Capitalists are put on a veritable media show-trial by a panicked legislature and Big Business media.

This isn't the eve of Revolution, but it sure is shaping up as the eve of the eve of a potential transition to socialism. On the level of the base versus superstructure contours of the crisis, it seems tome to be more on the level of an authentic 'break' or 'development' in the marxian sense than even the 1960s crisis.

Is there something in motion that surpasses the challenge of 'change' we have been pressing (as essential as that continues to be)? That's not to say that the social movements as presently on the ground are currently as powerful as the developed movements of the 1960s...But we are just out of the gate on this class-break...

I am asking big even presumptuous questions, and don't have the answers. But we are at the start of an immense struggle, that I do not doubt. I hope others can discuss all this and Bernard Keenan's thesis on this thread!
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