Is the Revolution in sight?

Is the Revolution in sight?
looks like the barge may be lifting off a sand bar...

September 30, 2008

"The Fight Against Harper" is now used as a Liberal Liquidationist slogan against the NDP

"The Fight Against Harper" is now used as a Liquidationist slogan: against the NDP
The Liberals can go suck lemons...
By wilfrido
Friday, September 12, 2008

I have heard the call to strategic voting each federal election for years. But I still think it is impossible for me. As an NDPr and democratic socialist I have watched The Liberal Party selectively taste sample many of our policies. But The Liberal Party remains after all its years of near unbridled power what it was when I first volunteered to canvass and put up signs for Stephen and David Lewis: an antagonistic miasma of Corporate power and expedient left and right policies. The CCF and then NDP emerged out of struggle -- not a Bay Street or St James Street Club. Some Canadians then wanted a Left Party dedicated to a different cooperative socially-planned economic arrangement of the nation-state, and I want it now.

The NDP and the Liberal Party do not have the same base or programme. I can't kid myself into believing that voting strategically for a Liberal in any way brushes against the grain of corporate Canada's two-party Settlement. Go look up The Gomery Commission testimonies on fat envelopes earmarked for greedy kingpin Liberals in Quebec. As ee cumings said: "There is some shit I will not eat". And the voice of Thomas More who lived in a day of Jackals and Scoundrels speaks volumes on why our two major Corporate-Agenda parties are corrupt. "If honor were profitable, everybody would be honorable".

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