Is the Revolution in sight?

Is the Revolution in sight?
looks like the barge may be lifting off a sand bar...

October 1, 2008

Why do you think Obama will govern from the left or even the centre-left?

By Wilfrido

Why do you think Obama will govern from the left or even the centre-left?

His history in Chicago Dem politics reveals an ambitious knee-capper (Go Ask Alice Palmer!) and the thrust of his whole campaign is about class collaboration of workers and Bosses, red states and blue states, perhaps even God and the Devil....

In the US of today unionised workers account for no more than 15% of the workforce
giving up on class demands from the labour base seems suicidal in this context,
and in the economic crisis we've entered we can't roll over and accept the demands
of a staggering capitalism in crisis.

Some progressive Canadians hope for great things from Obama. This is irrational
and uninformed by the facts of Obama's bid for the imperial presidency. Without a vigorous labor and anti-war fightback under either Obama or McCain, the US workforce will more and more descend into a de-mechanised, de-unionised low-paying pool of potential grunts for US international military adventures.

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